Week 25: Graduation Well, here we are at our final meeting. As we did in our very first meetings, we are going to start right away by listening to a message from Doctors Answer. Play the recording.
After Audio Check-In: Well said. Now, let’s spend the rest of our time together talking and sharing.
Discussion Point 1: So, let’s begin much like we did at the very beginning of our group meetings. Please share one success and one struggle you experienced during the course. Who’d like to start us out?
Be sure that everyone in the group participates in this discussion.
What did you learn from the lessons that was a new idea for you? What affect did it have on you?
Did anything in the lessons or in your experiences since you’ve been in the program come as a surprise to you?
What was the most valuable thing you experienced or discovered about yourself?
Anyone have any other comments or thoughts they’d like to share?
Finally, let’s talk about our plans for the future. How are you planning to keep up the good work you started here? Who’s going to begin? Once again, try to have everyone participate in answering this question.
About Maintenance:
Now to talk about how to get shakes for maintenance purposes. If you are interested in purchasing the Doctors Answer shakes for weight maintenance purposes, you will find the link in your Workbook, at the end of the Week 25 review material (after you submit your last assignment).
Just click the link and follow the instructions to complete the enrollment which will update your status from a participant to a graduate of the program. There is no cost and no purchase necessary to enroll in Maintenance Access and no obligation to purchase shakes. It’s totally up to you.
Even if you aren’t sure whether you will want to buy shakes, we strongly recommend you sign up – because after the course ends, you will no longer be able to sign up to purchase shakes should you want them in the future.
Your access to the Patient Portal is required to get to the Maintenance Access link, and your Patient Portal access will be ending shortly after this last meeting. Once that access ends, there is no way for you to enroll in Maintenance.
So, even if right now you don’t plan to use the shakes for maintenance, we strongly recommend that you sign up…just in case.
And one last note on the maintenance piece...Once you enroll and make the switch to a Graduate you will use your same username and password to login as usual, but once you login you'll be taken to the Maintenance Order Page instead of the Patient Portal. Maintenance Orders come in your flavor preferences in pre-set bundles of 4 boxes at a time, and you'll only be paying for the shakes and shipping, not the course material like you have been throughout the course.
Are there any questions about what to do to get access to the maintenance shakes? Wrap-Up: And now, to wrap it all up...Over the last six months, you’ve spent a lot of time and effort working on developing a new healthy lifestyle formula. Keep up that trim and healthy lifestyle.
But most important, don’t forget to continue to make time for yourself and to put yourself first sometimes. Take good care of yourself – and take the time for yourself that you require.
And, finally, be proud of your success. Always remember: Nothing tastes as good as how your healthy, lean and trim body feels!
You are at the end of the course and we know that you've worked hard. We hope you found the experience positive and rewarding.
Congratulations to all of you!
A Note for the Group Leader: You've successfully led your group through their weight loss journey. We hope you also found the experience positive and rewarding.
Congratulations! A Job Well Done. Track Your Progress: